ANNOUNCEMENT! U-LEAD’s new partnership to start and Memoranda signing ceremony to be held on 5 March

More than 400 hromada leaders and specialists in the field of administrative service delivery, including the heads of 210 U-LEAD partner hromadas from all over Ukraine, representatives of the Government of Ukraine and international partners will take part in the conference on the actual launch of the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery.

At the major event in the field of administrative service provision in Ukraine will include a solemn ceremony of signing Memoranda of Cooperation between implementors and hromadas, presentation of the first results of the Roll-Out Phase and plans for establishment of up to 600 proper highly efficient Administrative Service Centres in amalgamated hromadas and small cities of Ukraine.

The event is open to anyone working in local self-government, as well as administrative service delivery specialists:

  • hromada representatives, provided that a delegate represents the local authorities or Administrative Service Centre,

  • experts and specialists in the field of administrative service delivery,

  • representatives of the relevant non-governmental organisations.

Registration is open until 6 pm on 1 March 2019.

Detailed information, event agenda and registration form are available on the website

21.02.2019 - 18:37 | Views: 14039
ANNOUNCEMENT! U-LEAD’s new partnership to start and Memoranda signing ceremony to be held on 5 March


announcement Administrative services


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