Journalism competition “Best Local Development Practices in the Carpathians”

Local Self-Government Association Carpathian Euroregion – Ukraine holds a competition of journalistic reports “Best local development practices in the Carpathians. Deadline is 1 March 2019.


  • Article in printed or online edition
  • Radio report
  • Video material

Topics of materials:

  • attracting extrabudgetary resources for hromada development and improving the quality of life of the population in the Carpathian region;
  • best practices of local self-governments’ activity in terms of mountainous areas' development;
  • cross-border and interregional cooperation as a hromada development tool in the Carpathian region.

Prize fund:

  • 1st place in each of the nominations – award of UAH 4000,
  • 2nd-3rd places – incentive prizes.

Materials, published for the first time in the regional mass media outlets, regardless of ownership form, from 1 January to 1 March 2019, may be submitted for the competition.

The application for participation in the competition is submitted by filling in the registration form on the website of the Association.

Further information about the competition can be obtained by sending questions to the e-mail address entitled “Journalism Competition”


Local Self-Government Association “Carpathian Euroregion – Ukraine”

12 V.Vynnychenka str., Lviv 79008

18.02.2019 - 16:09 | Views: 9733
Journalism competition “Best Local Development Practices in the Carpathians”




Закарпатська область Івано-Франківська область Львівська область Чернівецька область


Єврорегіон Карпати

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