Melitopol became the winner of the UNESCO Studying Cities Award

This year, the city of Melitopol in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast won the UNESCO Learning Cities Award. It has entered the TOP-10 most progressive cities, that develop lifelong learning, among more than 200 applicants. This is the first victory of our country in such an initiative, its organisation and support in Ukraine was carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The status of a winning city is a recognition of high achievements of Melitopol in adult education development, and offers new opportunities of international cooperation.

This year's awarding ceremony will be held in Colombia within the framework of the International Conference of Studying Cities.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.02.2019 - 15:57 | Views: 11564
Melitopol became the winner of the UNESCO Studying Cities Award




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