Changes brought by decentralisation in Radyvylivska hromada

Kindergartens, gyms, sports grounds and roads are the directions of work of the Radyvylivska AH.

In 2016, 17 villages voluntarily joined the city of Radyvyliv, thus forming the Radyvylivska AH. This decision, appeared to be absolutely correct, since the hromada is now constructing kindergartens, opening accessible gyms and repairing roads.

Mykola Karapetyan, head of the AH, told about changes reached after amalgamation.

The AH has already completed part of the premises of the Pidzamche village kindergarten, replaced its doors and windows, the floor, set up sewage system and covered the building with the new roof. Arrangement of the food unit is currently on. Then the façade of the building will be insulated and territory landscaping will be made. The hromada plans that starting from spring the fully renovated kindergarten will be attended by 45 local children, as well as kids from neighbouring villages.

The work continues in other villages. Additional groups for children were created in Perenyatin and Druzhba village kindergartens.

In addition, the hromada has recently opened an inclusive resource centre for children in need of pedagogical and psychological support.

Each district now has two street sports grounds and promotes healthy lifestyle among the youth.

Besides, the hromada is reconstructing the local “Kolos” stadium.

There are enough funds to cope with the roads’ renovation as well.

And the list can be extended. The nearest plans include a major overhaul of the Arts School and cultural centre in Radyvyliv, replacement of the roof in the city secondary school No. 1 and the hub educational institution in the village of Pidzamche. Five more streets are planned to be asphalted.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.02.2019 - 16:21 | Views: 10167
Changes brought by decentralisation in Radyvylivska hromada

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Рівненська область


Радивилівська територіальна громада


Рівненська ОДА

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