“Open city” as part of E-dem

“Open city” as part of E-dem

Swiss-Ukrainian E-governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) Programme has created several special services for local self-government bodies


By Dmytro Synyak https://storage.decentralization.ua/uploads/ckeditor/pictures/2587/content_synyak.png 

“Let’s take a piece of colored paper each, and make… a paper airplane, as we used to make in our school years.”

At first a respectable audience is buzzing unevenly, like a disturbed hive, but the hands of gray-haired men in classical costumes and women in business suits stretch to colored sheets. Serhii Karelin, E-Democracy Projects Coordinator of the Swiss-Ukrainian E-Governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) Programme, seems to be in no doubt that everything would go this way. In a few minutes each of the participants in the large room has a paper airplane in his or her hand.

“And now let each one of you make a wish for the future,” Serhii Karelin continues. “I will count from three to one, and then launch your airplanes. Let them symbolise the great takeoff that each of us and our country will do with EGAP! Let’s do it jointly! Three, two, one! Let’s fly!


Let’s do it jointly! Three, two, one! Let’s fly! 

That is how EGAP marked completion of the first programme phase, reporting to donors, partners, government officials and NGOs. The reporting conference was opened by Oleksandr Ryzhenko, Head of the State Agency for E-Governance, Holger Tausch, Director of Cooperation at Swiss Cooperation Office in Ukraine, Jordanka Tomkova, coordinator of the EGAP National Policy component (INNOVABRIDGE Foundation) and Viktor Lyakh, President of the Eastern Europe Foundation.


Opening of EGAP Reporting Conference

The E-Governance for Accountability Participation (EGAP) Programme has been working in Ukraine since 2015. EGAP aims at developing the latest information and communication technologies that should help improve governance, increase interaction between the government and citizens, and promote social innovation in our country, simply put, everything about IT technology in the government or local self-government of Ukraine is the field of EGAP.

This programme updated the website www.kmu.gov.ua, making it the only point of entry for all government electronic services. Among the most significant achievements is the creation of the www.design.gov.ua portal, which outlines the “design code” for all state websites, as well as launch of the platform for reform vacancies’ competition www.career.gov.ua.

The target regions of the programme include the Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk and Odesa Oblasts. Total Phase I budget is 4.3 million Swiss Francs (EUR 3.8 million). It is expected that the budget of Phase II, the planning of which starts in a few weeks, will be no less.



Speakers from various fields spoke about the achievements related to the field of information technology


During the conference speakers from various fields spoke about some or other achievements connected with the sphere of information technologies.



Speaking about the Public Budget” service, Serhii Karelin called it a virus spread across Ukraine


The EGAP E-Democracy Project Coordinator said that with the Citizens of Action programme, USAID has already introduced a provision to launch the service in hromadas.

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