Seventh ASC opened in Luhansk Oblast

From now on the Administrative Service Centre of the Novopskovska amalgamated hromada provides an administrative service of Ukrainian citizen passport registration and issuance in the form of an ID-card, as well as foreign passport issuance service.

“The corresponding specialised equipment was purchased for the ASC within the Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme implemented by UNDP in Ukraine and UN Women in Ukraine funded by the European Union,” the report reads.

Residents of the Novopskov Rayon may apply for registration and receipt of passport documents to the ASC, located in Novopskov. This is the seventh ASC in the Luhansk Oblast, providing services of registration and issuance of passport documents.

Such service has already been introduced in the cities of Lysychansk, Kreminna, Popasna, as well as in the Chmyrivska, Bilokurakynska, and Troyitska AHs.



Administrative services


Луганська область


Новопсковська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада



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