Prykarpattia AHs to implement cross-border projects with European partners

The Prykarpattia AHs Development Agency signed a tripartite memorandum of cooperation with the management of the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Romania-Ukraine Programme 2014-2020 and the Executive Director of the Cross-Border Cooperation Regional Office in Suceava, Romania, commented Maksym Chopey, executive director of the Agency.

According to him, the key result of such cooperation should be well-done communication with Romanians in writing and implementing joint projects.

“Last year, members of the Board of the Prykarpattia AHs Development Agency held two meetings with Romanian representatives. These meetings were organised with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme within the framework of the project management school activities. As a result, we have developed a number of mechanisms for establishing joint activities and ongoing communications. In fact, one of such steps was the signing of a memorandum of cooperation”, said the expert.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



08.02.2019 - 10:14 | Views: 10014
Prykarpattia AHs to implement cross-border projects with European partners


cooperation cross-border cooperation


Івано-Франківська область


Сайт Івано-Франківської ОДА

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