MinRegion believes 2019 will be key year for decentralisation


We have prepared a detailed, step-by-step operational plan to introduce a new stage of the decentralisation reform. It is designed to fulfill the tasks set by the President of Ukraine and the Action Plan, approved by the Government. This is a joint route map for MinRegion and our international partners – U-LEAD with Europe, USAID, PULSE, DESPRO, OSCE, DOBRE, where everyone will have their contribution part, which will be transformed into a joint victory in future, informed Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, at the coordination meeting with the Local Government Development Centres.

“The first priority is the formation of perspective plans for hromadas’ amalgamation. This is the basis of those decisions regarding formation of AH base to be approved in 2020. The next point is further work on hromadas’ accession to the cities of oblast significance. This is a great deal of work, because it is necessary to analyse the possibilities of those hromadas, that have not been able to join the cities of oblast significance so far. The third point is the interaction, coordination and close cooperation of regional decentralisation offices with the OSA on perspective plans’ approval. Besides, we have to work on the legislative framework. Therefore, in 2019 – the key year for the reform – there should be maximum synergy of efforts of MinRegion, Central Reform Office (CRO), local offices, RSA, and deputies of oblast councils,” noted Hennadii Zubko.

The official stressed that an equally important point of the operational plan is sectoral decentralisation support. “This is also an issue of regional offices’ activity on the implementation of primary healthcare reform in rural areas, the New Ukrainian School, development of a new educational space, inclusiveness and ASCs. Therefore, we must once again analyse the efforts of our international partners, project organisations and CRO to identify common tasks and move towards a common result in this direction,” said the Vice Prime Minister.

Hennadii Zubko said that at the end of February the results of the sociological survey on decentralisation, that will be conducted with the support of the Council of Europe, will be made public. “I can preliminarily say that almost 56% of Ukrainians believe in the reform and expect the result. Therefore, 2019 will be the key year for the implementation of the decentralisation reform, that should gather all key actors and our international partners,” said the Vice Prime Minister.




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