Unique project covering 23 AHs in 13 rayons of Сherkasy Oblast is ready for implementation

23 amalgamated hromadas of the Cherkasy Oblast signed a framework agreement on joint implementation of the project on video surveillance systems installation in each hromada.

“This is a unique project with no previous analogues so far. It will help create more comfortable and safer living conditions for tens of thousands of residents of 23 hromadas – and we are glad to be at the head of this initiative,” said Serhii Slynko, Director of the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion. “The joint hromada project was submitted to the State Fund for Regional Development, and we look forward for it to be supported.”

“Comfortable and safe living conditions are among the key tasks local authorities have to fulfill. One of the most effective preventive measures is the installation of video cameras to oversee the public gathering areas. It is expected that project implementation will allow to solve a number of tasks, namely the formation of a safe environment in hromadas and strengthening of their Safety Centres. It will help reduce the number of law violations, enable prompt investigation of emergencies, crimes, etc., and strengthen the material and technical base of Safety Centres,” notes Hryhorii Pererva, regional development advisor of the Cherkasy LGDC.




Черкаська область


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