Receipt of applications for participation in Round 3 of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme closed

More than 300 applications from 22 oblasts of Ukraine have been submitted in course of the Phase 3 of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery.

By 28 February, the Evaluation Commission that comprises representatives from MinRegion, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and Programme representatives will select up to 150 hromadas to be visited by the experts of the Programme.

The hromadas that will confirm their capability to participate in the Roll-Out Phase will receive ToRs (Terms of Reference), roadmaps for the establishment of a proper ASC, developed by the experts.

The ToR consists of an institutional part: a definite list of services, ASC form and model, number of staff and necessary trainings, assistance in working with residents; and the physical part: a detailed description of the premises, including ASC zoning, a list of repair and construction works, and specification on furniture and equipment.

The ToRs are agreed with the hromada and passed to implementors, who will directly establish and modernise ASCs.

The full list of hromadas that applied for Round 3 is available here.


04.02.2019 - 11:32 | Views: 10641
Receipt of applications for participation in Round 3 of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme closed


Administrative services


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