Online broadcast of the forum “Democratisation of administrative buildings in Ukraine: architectural view”

The forum “Democratisation of administrative buildings in Ukraine: architectural view” will be held tonight.

The on-line broadcast of the event will be available via the link:

It will start at 6.30 pm and will last until 9 pm.

Join almost 200 participants of the event to listen to presentations by leading Ukrainian and Swedish architects on topics of public buildings of the present and future architecture!

Speakers of the Forum:

• Lev Partskhaladze - Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine;

• Linda Kummel - Architect, Urban Spacial Expert, Swedish National Centre for Architecture and Design (ArkDes, Swedish National Centre for Architecture and Design, Stockholm);

• Viktor Zotov - Architect, Head of the Architectural Bureau ZOTOV & CO;

• Morten Claesson - Architect and Designer, Architectural Bureau CLAESSON KOIVISTO RUNE (Stockholm, Sweden);

• Julian Chaplinskyi - Chief Architect of the city of Lviv;

• Representatives of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Association of AHs and hromadas.

The detailed programme of the Forum:

30.01.2019 - 14:45 | Views: 10545
Online broadcast of the forum “Democratisation of administrative buildings in Ukraine: architectural view”


announcement Administrative services


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