New Educational Space: 120 thousand children study in 300 modern institutions – MinRegion’s statistics

Decentralisation has made it possible to improve the quality of educational services in hromadas. We have introduced absolutely new standards and approaches to the New Educational Space (NES) creation in schools and kindergartens. At the same time, we do not interfere in the educational process – this is the competence of the Ministry of Education, but we have formed a standard that utterly changes the school space, Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, at the press conference on “NON-STOP Reforms. Scale of changes”.

He said that when creating modern NESs, 4 compulsory principles are taken into account:

  • Energy efficiency,
  • Modern equipment,
  • Motivational space and comfort,
  • Inclusion and barrier-free approach.

“In 2017, we succeeded in establishing 115 NES projects, and by the end of 2018 we have reached the number of 300 modern New Educational Spaces. These are bright modern institutions throughout Ukraine, attended by more than 120 thousand children.” The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is an undisputed leader in NES development. The region has set the bar high for everyone to strive for. Over the past 3,5 years, 53 kindergartens have been reconstructed, renovated and built from scratch, and now the oblast administration is reconstructing more than 30 schools at once,” said Hennadii Zubko.


More about education development within decentralisation

24.01.2019 - 15:06 | Views: 10105
New Educational Space: 120 thousand children study in 300 modern institutions – MinRegion’s statistics


H.Zubko New Educational Space education


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