We have already crossed rubicon of decentralisation, - Hennadii Zubko
In the history of Ukraine, there have not yet been such opportunities and resources provided currently by decentralisation for hromadas' development. Decentralisation is Ukraine's way to Europe, it is a new European quality of life. The rubicon has been crossed, there is no way back, stated Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, at the press conference on “NON-STOP Reforms. Scale of changes”.
“We have already formed a new quality management. 62% of Ukraine's population live in 876 AHs. The leaders of the amalgamation process are the Khmelnytskyi, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia and Volyn Oblasts. More than 60% of the territory in the Khmelnytskyi and Zhytomyr Oblasts is covered with AHs. 24 cities of oblast significance have adjoined hromadas. Perspective plans envisage 1285 AHs, and here we are going further. MinRegion together with the Luhansk Military and Civil Administration has developed perspective plans of amalgamation for temporarily occupied territories of the oblast," said Hennadii Zubko.
According to the official, in 2018, local budget revenues, due to decentralisation, amounted to UAH 234 billion, and budgets of AHs made up UAH 21 billion.
“The success of all hromadas is different: restoration of infrastructure, development of education, small investment projects, and sometimes large-scale projects. It is excellent to see hromadas that choose energy independence, build solar power plants, use land resources and possibilities of bio- and wind energy wisely. These are the Veselivska AH (Zaporizhzhia Oblast), Khoroshivska AH, Novoukraiyinska AH (Kirovohrad Oblast), Tomashpilska AH (Vinnytsia Oblast). The Starobohorodchanska AH of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast has an excellent example of renewable energy - a solar power plant with a capacity of 2.8 MW with its annual electricity production of 2.8 million kWh. Hromadas use innovative technologies. The teams of the Pyriatynska AH, Novoukraiyinska AH, Merefianska AH, and Mykhaylo-Kotsiubynska AH are implementing geoinformation systems of hromadas’ assets accounting. There are many such examples all over Ukraine. These successes are different, but at the same time it is a great success of all Ukraine and the magnitude of changes”, emphasised Hennadii Zubko.
It is worth reminding that according to international partners, decentralisation is the most successful reform in Ukraine. Hugues Mingarelli has called it an unprecedented story of Ukraine's success. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called decentralisation a successful reform. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who initiated the reform, has put it simply: “Decentralisation is cool!”

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