Heads of hromadas must understand that culture is an important resource for development, - Yevhen Nyshchuk

“It is extremely important to draw the attention of heads of amalgamated hromadas to culture, its potential, which, being used rationally, can be turned into a human capital development resource in the hromada, as well as a financial source for the local budget,” said Yevhen Nyshchuk, Minister of Culture, during the Governmental meeting.

According to the Minister, decentralisation has created opportunities for unprecedented hromada development and address of the real needs and problems of local population.

The Minister of Culture has noted that the Ministry’s team is working to enhance the role of culture as a platform for dialogue between the Government, business and hromada. With the support of the Ministry, a series of studies on specifics and state of culture in hromadas has been conducted; among them one can find a representative sociological survey on participation in the cultural life, an analytical research on “Status and perspectives of development for socio-cultural infrastructure in amalgamated hromadas” on the example of 28 hromadas of the Odesa Oblast, and a nationwide online survey on quality, accessibility and a list of cultural services.

“Now we can much better see the needs of hromadas, the state of their cultural infrastructure and understand the needs of their socio-cultural development. Information about culture can be found on the decentralisation.gov.ua, where success stories on ​​modernising the basic network of institutions and creating innovative cultural spaces of hromadas are kept and dissiminated. Through a special resource, an access to information on immovable cultural heritage facilities has been extended,” said Yevhen Nyshchuk.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

23.01.2019 - 15:39 | Views: 10911
Heads of hromadas must understand that culture is an important resource for development, - Yevhen Nyshchuk




Міністерство культури України

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