Mariupol Development Foundation to work on social cohesion

Public activists of Mariupol joined the processes of decentralisation and implementation of sectoral reforms in the southern part of the Donetsk Oblast. With the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, last year the Mariupol Development Foundation, together with the city authorities, implemented “Active Citizenship School” project aimed at representatives of potential Mariupolska and Sartanska AHs.

In course of eight months, 50 hromada leaders – parents, teachers and doctors – participated in panel discussions and trainings to deepen their knowledge of decentralisation and sectoral reforms’ implementation in hromadas, as well as the role of an active citizen in this process.

The main objective was to help the project participants to understand innovations related to the educational and healthcare reforms, improvement of the quality of administrative services, as well as the benefits of decentralisation in general.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

21.01.2019 - 13:02 | Views: 9814

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participation of citizens


Донецька область


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