Successful Hromada: Building Together. New DESPRO guidebook

There is a new DESPRO guidebook “Successful Hromada: Building Together”, a joint work by experts Maryna Bryl, Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, Olha Dancheva, Aider Seyitosmanov, and Elvedin Chubarov (DOWNLOAD).

The guidebook deals with actual issues of the decentralisation process, in particular, it provides theoretical justification and practical recommendations for hromadas’ amalgamation. It analyses historical traditions and the present situation in Ukraine as an independent state (the Magdeburg law, Cossack self-government, imperial modernisation, crushing Soviet centralisation), highlights the rights of a capable hromada, and presents legal acts regulating this process. The book also characterises specifics of AH formation, influence of local identity on the formation of cohesion, features the ways to increase the level of trust between the authorities and hromada, as well as reveals the process of strategic planning as a basis for the sustainable territory development.

The manual is intended for representatives of local self-government and executive authorities, as well as for public activists, members of initiative groups and students studying decentralisation processes.

A printed version of the manual can be obtained free of charge during events, organised by DESPRO.

21.01.2019 - 12:29 | Views: 13457
Successful Hromada: Building Together. New DESPRO guidebook


DESPRO amalgamation of hromadas



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