City of Korosten ready to access rural hromadas

Korosten is ready to access the surrounding village councils according to the Perspective plan of amalgamated hromadas’ formation, stated Volodymyr Moskalenko, Korosten city mayor, at the working meeting with the rayon leadership, MP Volodymyr Areshonkov, as well as Vasyl Nevmerzhytskyi, Director of the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre.

“We are ready to work on creating the Korostenska AH in the format proposed by the Perspective Plan. The city needs space, and the villages need a new quality of services, so together we can fully achieve our goals and take advantage of all the benefits that decentralisation provides,” said Mr. Moskalenko.

Last year two Zhytomyr Oblast's cities of oblast significance established AHs: Zhytomyr adjoined the Veresivka village council, and Novohrad-Volynskyi adjoined the Maystriv village council. AH formation around cities of oblast significance continues in Berdychiv, Korosten and Malyn.

“There is a constructive dialogue in Korosten on the issue of hromada formation. All rayon leaders and city authorities have gathered together at the table - this is an important advantage, since the consolidated efforts of all government branches are creating conditions for active development and quick solution of problems”, believes Vasyl Nevmerzhytskyi, Director of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

Specialists of the Zhytomyr LGDC, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine, provide counseling and methodological support to hromadas in the process of AH formation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

14.01.2019 - 10:35 | Views: 12543
City of Korosten ready to access rural hromadas




Житомирська область


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