Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts’ hromadas learn the mechanisms of transparent land resource management and communications

In the framework of the Local Systemic Development Programme a series of practical training sessions will be held in Severodonetsk on 15 and 16 January, and in Kramatorsk on 17 and 18 January.

What will we talk about?

1. Communications in hromadas when introducing changes or how to “sell” the idea to a potential investor, engage hromada members to jointly solve problems and bring opinions to the authorities.

2. Use of practical land management tools in AHs or ways to work in the modern legislative environment as efficiently as possible.

3. Collection of source information in hromadas or step-by-step guide to hromada resource knowledge.

Target audience of the trainings

Land managers and PR specialists in partner AHs.



Donetsk Oblast

Premises of the Anti-Crisis Media Centre

1, Marata Street, Kramatorsk

Registration starts at 9.00


Luhansk Oblast

Premises of the Local Government Development Centre

78B, Gagarina Street, Severodonetsk

Registration starts at 9.00


The Local Systemic Development Programme is implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation in partnership with the LLC “Blominfo-Ukraine”, the NGO “DESPRO”, as well as the Kyiv Economic Institute within the framework of the USAID “Support for Agrarian and Rural Development” Project.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

11.01.2019 - 15:32 | Views: 11991

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announcement land


Донецька область Луганська область


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