Plan of Measures to Implement the Presidential Decree “On Additional Measures to Ensure the Reform of Decentralisation of Power” appeared

The Government approved the Plan for the implementation of the Presidential Decree dated 6 December 2018, No. 422 “On Additional Measures to Ensure the Reform of the Decentralisation of Power”.

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine has been commissioned, with the participation of other central executive authorities and all-Ukrainian associations of local self-government bodies, to ensure that the Government submits a draft law on improvement of legislation on local elections in connection with the formation of amalgamated hromadas to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by 25 January 2019.

During 2019, MinRegion and the Ministry of Finance should take measures to provide state support for the completion of capable amalgamated hromadas’ formation throughout the country by 2020.

MinRegion, other central executive authorities and oblast state administrations are charged with strengthening the capacity of AHs and rural areas’ development by providing financial support to local self-government bodies to implement educational reforms.

The OSAs and Kyiv City State Administration are instructed to approve the plans for the perspective development of the oblasts and the city of Kyiv for 2019-2021, taking into account the potential of the territories, as well as sectoral reforms.

It should be mentioned that on 6 December the President of Ukraine signed the Decree “On Additional Measures to Ensure the Reforms of Decentralisation of Power”, aimed at deepening and successful implementation of structural power decentralisation reforms, strengthening of the capacity and efficiency of local self-government, as well as completion of the process of hromadas’ amalgamation.

09.01.2019 - 12:06 | Views: 13604
Plan of Measures to Implement the Presidential Decree “On Additional Measures to Ensure the Reform of Decentralisation of Power” appeared




Асоціація міст України

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