First session of Vchorayshenska AH held

On 4 January, newly elected deputies and head of the Vchorayshenska AH gathered for the first session. Head of the hromada Oleksandr Chereshnyuk and deputies took the oath and began the formation of the executive bodies of the newly established hromada, as well as reorganisation of village councils, which became part of the AH in the Ruzhyn Rayon.

“We will prepare the first session - agenda, draft decisions, the list of standing committees of the council. Today, we will also discuss the first steps to be taken after the session. Then we are waiting for a lot of work, which we, together with the hromada and partners, have to do in a high-quality way, since the hromada residents have very high expectations. It was shown by the results and turnout of the elections,” said Oleksandr Chereshnyuk, head of the Vchorayshe village council.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

04.01.2019 - 14:11 | Views: 12827
First session of Vchorayshenska AH held

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Житомирська область


Вчорайшенська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Вчорайшенська територіальна громада


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