State Budget-2019 envisages more than UAH 30 billion for regions’ development

The State Budget for 2019 foresees more than UAH 30 billion of state financial support for the development of regions (in 2018 the sum was UAH 25.4 billion), recalled Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

Thus, the state budget-2019 will direct UAH 7.7 billion for the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD). Funds will be spent to develop New Educational Space in schools and kindergartens, construction and reconstruction of medical, social, cultural and sports infrastructure. While implementing projects it is obligatory to allocate 10% of funds for sports infrastructure, 10% - for energy-efficient measures in educational and medical institutions, as well as UAH 0.5 billion – for the implementation of the winning projects of the All-Ukrainian Public Budget.

“For the first time this year we will support projects without a “solid foundation” – startups that will be implemented in hromadas at the expense of the SFRD. We are talking about regional development projects, that will be selected on a competitive basis and aimed at realisation of development strategies of the oblast, interoblast level, as well as in the framework of the EU sector support,” said Hennadii Zubko.

Funding to support regions and hromadas will also be provided by:

  • EU programme for Ukrainian sector policy support – UAH 0.5 bln. In 2018, the programme selected 70 investment projects-winners to be implemented in the regions of Ukraine during the following years;
  • infrastructure subventions to AHs – UAH 2.1 billion;
  • subventions for the implementation of measures aimed at healthcare development in the rural areas – UAH 1.0 billion. In addition, there are more than UAH 4 billion coming from 2018. At present, 517 new projects of primary healthcare outpatient clinics’ construction in all regions of Ukraine are at various stages of implementation;
  • subventions to financially support construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public motor roads of local importance, streets and roads of communal ownership in settlements – UAH 14.7 billion;
  • subventions for social and economic development of certain territories – UAH 4.7 billion.

Earlier, the governor reported that the total resource of local budgets in 2019 would amount to UAH 573.1 billion, of which own local budget revenues would make up UAH 292.3 billion, which is by UAH 41.8 billion or by 16.7% more compared to the approved local budgets for 2018.


04.01.2019 - 12:16 | Views: 14417
State Budget-2019 envisages more than UAH 30 billion for regions’ development


budget H.Zubko


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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