New police station opened in Novopskovska hromada

A police station to serve the Novopskovska AH was set up in the urban-type settlement of Novopskov. The hromada's population amounts to 13 thousand residents living in the settlements of Osynove, Makartetyne, Ikove, Khvorostyane and Novopskov.

District police officers will receive citizens at the police station and will be able to respond more quickly to law violation in populated areas, and it will be much easier for citizens to get police assistance.

The police station is equipped with modern office appliances due to the financial support of the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine (UNDP) and the Kingdom of the Netherlands under the Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme and the Chief Directorate of the National Police in the Luhansk Oblast.


Attached images:


safety police


Луганська область


Новопсковська територіальна громада


ГУ НП в Луганській області

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