Rivne Oblast’s hromadas united to solve common waste problem

On 27 December, an agreement on intermunicipal cooperation in the form of the implementation of the joint project on “Establishment of a comprehensive system for handling solid household waste in the Demydivka settlement, Bokiyma, Boremel and Vovkovyyi village councils of the Rivne Oblast” was signed in the Demidivka urban-type settlement. The agreement implementation will bring benefits to the residents of three AHs and one village council, including 48 settlements of the three rayons of the oblast.

The project is aimed at improving environmental safety by eliminating unauthorised landfills located on the territory of cooperation parties, organising a comprehensive system of collection, transportation of solid household waste from private households, as well as their reliable disposal, and technical re-equipment of solid household waste collection system. The emphasis is on improvement of the residents’ waste management culture and ecological situation in the region.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

28.12.2018 - 12:53 | Views: 9223
Rivne Oblast’s hromadas united to solve common waste problem


garbage cooperation


Рівненська область


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