Experts suggest discussing how hromadas can cooperate in the field of administrative services

The use of the hromadas’ cooperation mechanism (IMC) allows to significantly expand access points to administrative services, improve their quality, save public resources.

The register of hromadas’ cooperation agreements, published on MinRegion’s website, contains information on 276 agreements as of 21.11.2018.

The absolute majority of contracts are concluded by hromadas, that are taking or took part in the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery.

With due account of the problems and challenges hromadas face while using of intermunicipal cooperation tool in the field of ​​administrative services, the Programme propose to discuss a document describing opportunities and challenges in this area:

The Programme experts invite interested state authorities, local self-government bodies, LSG associations and other specialists to participate in the discussion of this document and its joint development.

Proposals, comments and remarks are accepted at the address by 22 January 2019.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

26.12.2018 - 15:09 | Views: 12180
Experts suggest discussing how hromadas can cooperate in the field of administrative services


cooperation Administrative services


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