DESPRO partner group is on a study visit to Poland

The DESPRO partner delegation is visiting Poland to dive into the practice of financing water supply and sewage projects. The team is studying the experience of water supply companies in Warsaw and regions, with a special emphasis on mechanisms of budget loans’ provision for infrastructure development.

“Such visits are important for the exchange of practical experience in implementation of water supply and sewage projects in hromadas. We are pleased to take over this experience from our Polish colleagues and hope that it will be useful to all participants of the visit,” said Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi, visit superviser and DESPRO expert on public services and monitoring. “We pay special attention to budget loans, because this effective mechanism of financing infrastructure projects has long been used in Poland, but only starts being popular in Ukraine. We were very impressed by Łapy gmina urban-rural community with its approach to intermunicipal cooperation in water supply and sewage. We once again realised that it is the ability to negotiate and find the points of trust that are crucial for productive cooperation. Although, of course, the technical and financial aspects are also very important and require an exclusively professional approach.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

19.12.2018 - 08:44 | Views: 8231
DESPRO partner group is on a study visit to Poland

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DESPRO study


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