Decentralisation is among the main priorities of the Government for 2019

During the governmental meeting Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman presented work priorities of the Government, which will formulate key goals and benchmarks for 2019.

The Head of Government called decentralisation and effective administration one of the main priorities, which involves staffing of civil service, extension of the range of e-services for citizens and integration of identification systems.

“We also switch to three-year budget planning. This means that we will plan for the long run so that Ukrainians understand what we do in 2020, 2021 and 2022. This allows planning expenditures in such a way as to solve the problem that we see,” the Head of Government noted.

Volodymyr Groysman also recalled the introduction of a new decentralisation stage, which will be based on the construction of a new territorial system – on the basis of amalgamation, as well as amendments to the Constitution in order to consolidate and protect the reform.

As it was reported, in 2019, the amount of state financial support for the implementation of investment programmes and regional development projects will make up UAH 30.8 billion, which is UAH 5.4 billion more than this year.

18.12.2018 - 12:47 | Views: 11317
Decentralisation is among the main priorities of the Government for 2019

Attached images:


Volodymyr Groysman


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