UAH 5.2 million envisaged in Lviv oblast budget for hromadas’ cooperation

At the initiative of the Lviv LGDC, in 2019 the "Support of Hromadas’ Cooperation" programme will be first implemented in the Lviv Oblast in the amount of UAH 5.2 million.

The programme was developed jointly by the experts of the Lviv LGDC, NGO “European Dialogue”, Association of Local Councils “Lviv Oblast Councils”, employees of the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Oblast State Administration and the Local Development Projects and International Technical Assistance Department of the Lviv Oblast Council.

According to Halyna Hrechyn, Director of the Lviv LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, the Lviv Oblast's hromadas are currently rather inactive in using the instrument of inter-municipal cooperation. “Comparing the activity of our oblast with others, we wanted to encourage our hromadas to cooperate, and due to the adopted programme, we received a serious argument in the form of financial resources from the oblast budget. We hope that this opportunity will be a good incentive,” added Halyna Hrechyn.

The main element of the programme is the Competition of joint projects of hromadas, which will take place on the terms of co-financing (the applicants’ funds will make up at least 50%). The maximum amount of co-financing from the oblast budget is UAH 1.5 million. The evaluation of the projects will be carried out by the Expert Commission.

12.12.2018 - 12:07 | Views: 8079
UAH 5.2 million envisaged in Lviv oblast budget for hromadas’ cooperation




Львівська область


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