Decentralisation: how Illinetska AH uses new opportunities

The Illinetska urban AH in the Vinnytsia Oblast amalgamated in 2016. Thanks to decentralisation, the hromada’s budget has grown almost 8-fold - from UAH 14 million in 2015 to UAH 110 million in 2018.

During this time, many useful things have been done in the city and the surrounding villages:

·    8 children's and sports grounds have been arranged.  

·    city outpatient clinic has been reconstructed.  

·    9 roads have been thoroughly repaired .  

·    kindergartens have been insulated.

In Illintsi, a waste sorting complex is being built, a separate waste collection is introduced, and special containers for plastic bottles are placed in the city.

Besides, a 520 square meter-greenhouse has been built in the AH. Here, flowers and coniferous trees are cultivated, and then planted in the city and villages.

Decentralisation has provided large opportunities to the IIlinetska AH. Look at hromada's successes after amalgamation.  



Вінницька область


Іллінецька територіальна громада


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