Dzvyniatska hromada opened kindergarten and renewed work of swimming pool

The Dzvyniatska amalgamated hromada in the Bohorodchany Rayon opened a kindergarten, renewed the work of the swimming pool, repaired the most problematic sections of roads and installed street lighting in all villages of the AH.

According to Mykola Volochii, head of the hromada, these are the main achievements of the AH over almost a year of work. According to him, the most problematic issue is to maintain the swimming pool at the Dzvynyach outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine in proper condition, as far as energy and other communal services cost about UAH 3 000 per day. But despite everything, the pool has been operating for over a month.

“Throughout the day, the pool is open and free of charge for children from all hromada schools. And after 4 pm its paid for the visitors. We have a good swimming trainer who trains children. Conditions are great, there is also a gym, a water therapy room,” says Roman Zinych, Chief Doctor.

Mykola Volochii demonstrates another implemented project that is extremely necessary for the AH – a kindergarten, opened in one of the parts of the village cultural centre premises.


Similarly, a kindergarten is planned to be opened in the village of Kosmach, that joined the hromada. Construction work has already begun here. And next year, according to the AH head, a kindergarten is planned to be opened in Rosilna village.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Івано-Франківська область


Дзвиняцька територіальна громада


Івано-Франківська ОДА

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