13 March 2025

Year of work of Baranynska AH: What can oblast’s youngest hromada boast of?

The Baranynska AH, which united nine villages in a single hromada a year ago, is currently the youngest in the oblast, but can already boast of impressive results.



"We started the year with a budget of UAH 65 million, in the first quarter we have already increased it by 2 million, and by the results of the third quarter we had 122% of the budget overperformance. We paid the greatest attention to the villages, where nothing had been done for decades,” said the AH head.

The list of achievements is long. Thus, in the village of Yarok, the primary school was repaired, the cultural club is being renovated, the outpatient clinic is being transferred to the former village council’s building with considerably better conditions for patients. In addition, the AH managed to carry out major repair of the Uzhhorod-Yarok road and extend it to the central street of the village, that used to be impassable before. In the village of Kholmets the Kholmets-Dubrivka road was repaired due to the State Road Fund.





It is hard to recognise the renewed educational complex in the village of Stryp. Now the repair works are being completed here in order for 16 children to start their studies in the elementary school classes and 18 children – in the kindergarten in 18 weeks.




Large-scale works are being conducted in the AH on water supply and sewage systems construction in Barvinok. Yuriy Marusyak, head of the Baranivska AH, says that construction of the water supply system is about to be completed this year, and in 2019 every Barvinok resident will have quality and clean water in their homes.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Закарпатська область


Баранинська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Баранинська територіальна громада


 "Про Захід"    

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