By joint efforts we will be able to open another airspace connecting Ukraine and the EU - Vyacheslav Nehoda

The 14th meeting of the Ukrainian-Slovak Intergovernmental Commission on Cross-Border Cooperation started in Uzhgorod. The Ukrainian side is headed by Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

He noted that the Commission’s activities contribute to the establishment of good-neighbourly relations and deepening of border areas’ interaction of both countries. The issues of construction and equipment of checkpoints through the Ukrainian-Slovak border are effectively addressed. Cooperation in the field of environment protection has been established.

Vyacheslav Nehoda focused the Commission’s attention on the importance of developing the border infrastructure of the Ukrainian-Slovak border.

“Our common task is to improve both the border infrastructure and the procedures for crossing five existing checkpoints through the Ukrainian-Slovak border. The development of “Uzhgorod” international airport and its work on the territory of Ukraine and the Slovak Republic is of a particular importance. Only applying joint efforts will we be able to open another airspace connecting Ukraine and the European Union. I am sure that adjustment of the issues related to the runway expansion will undoubtedly become a historical event and one of the main achievements of our Commission,” said the head of the Ukrainian part of the Ukrainian-Slovak Intergovernmental Commission on Cross-Border Cooperation.

He also expressed his hope that the Slovak side will consider the proposal of the Ukrainian counterparts to increase the number of permits issued under the Agreement on Small Border Traffic.

These and other issues, including joint projects’ implementation within the framework of Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-Border Cooperation Programme, will be discussed during the day. The agreements and joint tasks for the near future will be outlined in the Protocol of the 14th meeting of the Ukrainian-Slovak Intergovernmental Commission on Cross-Border Cooperation.

27.11.2018 - 10:34 | Views: 9639
By joint efforts we will be able to open another airspace connecting Ukraine and the EU - Vyacheslav Nehoda


V.Nehoda cross-border cooperation


Закарпатська область


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