ANNOUNCEMENT! Results and prospects of “Marathon: Energy Efficient and Safe Hromada” project to be discussed in Kyiv on 27 November

A round table meeting dedicated to summing-up and discussion of further prospects for the implementation of the Marathon: Energy Efficient and Safe Hromada” project (Hall 2) will be held at 11 am on 27 November.

Organiser: Association of Amalgamated Hromadas.

Brief background. During the round table meeting, the Memorandums of Cooperation between the Association of AHs and the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, as well as the UNDP Project “Removing Barriers to Increase Investment in Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Ukraine through the ESCO Modality in Small and Medium Sized Cities” will be signed.

Within the framework of the “Marathon: Energy Efficient and Safe Hromada” project, information events and presentations were held in 4 oblasts of Ukraine, competitions “Energy Efficient Hromada” and “Safe Hromada” were conducted. The project has a socio-informational focus, since the competition involved hromada members.

MEDIA ACCREDITATION – or at the tel.: (044) 299-05-00

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

23.11.2018 - 11:57 | Views: 8135
ANNOUNCEMENT! Results and prospects of “Marathon: Energy Efficient and Safe Hromada” project to be discussed in Kyiv on 27 November


announcement energy efficiency


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