What are Terms of Reference for ASC establishment in hromada?

The Terms of Reference (ToR) is a roadmap for the ASC establishment for the participants of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

This is a separate document created on the basis of expert visits in selected hromadas. Experts advise and help to make decisions on all aspects of establishment and modernisation of the Administrative Service Centres.

All decisions are fixed in the ToR and declarations of intent, which determine the obligations of the parties, including financial ones, for the ASC establishment and modernisation.

What is the composition of the ToR?

Institutional part:

The specified list of services, the form and model of the ASC, number of personnel and necessary trainings, assistance in work with residents.

Physical part:

Detailed description of the premises, including ASC zoning, a list of repair and construction works, specification of furniture and equipment.

Within the framework of the First Round of the Roll-Out Phase, 112 capable hromadas received their ToRs. As part of the Second Round, experts visit 118 hromadas and develop ToRs by 10 January 2019.

All developed ToRs are provided to implementers who will directly establish and modernise ASCs.





Administrative services


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