ANNOUNCEMENT! “Ukraine and the World: Dialogue through Youth” Forum to be held on 19 November in Kyiv

The Forum Ukraine and the World: Dialogue through Youth will be held in Kyiv on 19 November 2018.

The forum will be attended by the leaders of the state, private and public sectors as well as 140 participants, including active Ukrainian youth from 18 oblasts of Ukraine and young people from the diaspora of 21 countries of the world (Belarus, Georgia, Israel, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Latvia , Lithuania, Lebanon, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, France). PROGRAMME

The Forum also launches the project “Ukrainian Politics and Media through the Eyes of Youth”, during which more than 50 young people from Ukraine and Ukrainian diaspora will pass their internship in the legislative and executive bodies, as well as the Ukrainian mass media from 19 to 26 November.

The event is aimed at consolidation of efforts to create a positive image of Ukraine in the world, as well as increase of youth participation in the public and socio-political life of Ukraine.

The event will take place in іHub (10, Khreshchatyk street) and will last from 14.00 till 18.00.

The forum is initiated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine together with the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organisations, with the support of the Inter-Faction Association “Cooperation: Ukraine-Diaspora”, the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, the Kyiv Oblast State Administration, and the Kyiv Youth Centre.

Accreditation of media representatives to cover the event lasts until 11.00 on 19 November 19th by phone: (044) 289 95 05, e-mail:

14.11.2018 - 11:31 | Views: 12211

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