ATTENTION! COMPETITION for journalists, covering decentralisation topic

Journalists from all over the country have the opportunity to take part in the All-Ukrainian Journalism Competition "Reforming Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation in Ukraine".

Materials are to be submitted by 20 December 2018. Application form is available here: ApplicationForm2018. Winners will receive prize money – from UAH 10 to 20 thousand, and participation in the international event.

Journalists, telling about hromadas, self-government, decentralisation, can submit their works in four nominations:

  • Online publication
  • Article in the printed media
  • Radio material
  • Video material.

Each participant can submit no more than one work.

Materials for the competition should be published for the first time during the period from 15 October 2017 to 20 December 2018.

Detailed information about the competition and participant’s application registration are available on MinRegion’s website.

Additional questions can be asked via (044) 458-44-40, (044) 501-92-03, (093) 403-58-87, (097) 917-70-70, (050) 358-99-75 or via

Competition booklet is attached.

The competition is organised by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, in partnership with the Council of Europe Program “Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Reform in Ukraine” and Internews-Ukraine NGO.


18.12.2018 - 10:00 | Views: 10626
ATTENTION! COMPETITION for journalists, covering decentralisation topic

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