Slavska hromada banned polyethylene use

Such a conscious environmental decision was adopted by the deputies of Slavska settlement AH at their regular session on 24 October. Polyethylene bags are supposed to be replaced by paper bags and reusable fabric bags.

The disintegration of polyethylene lasts more than 200 years, and we use tons of it every minute. “France, Italy and some US states have already understood all the consequences of such actions and have refused from polyethylene use. In many countries, measures are being taken to reduce the its use. The Slavska AH cannot stay aside this acute problem,” said Volodymyr Beha, head of the AH.

Polyethylene rejection will be introduced gradually in the hromada by offering alternatives – biological polymer, paper bags or reusable fabric bags – to consumers.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.11.2018 - 17:59 | Views: 12596
Slavska hromada banned polyethylene use

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Львівська область


Славська територіальна громада


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