18 October 2024
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  2. Education Sector
  3. New Ukrainian School
Education Sector

New Ukrainian School


The New Ukrainian School is a key reform of the Ministry of Education and Science, that will put an end to negative trends and transform the Ukrainian school into a lever of social equality and cohesion, economic development and competitiveness of Ukraine.

The main goal is to create a school, where it will be a pleasure to study and which will give pupils not only knowledge, as it is now, but also the ability to apply it in life. The New Ukrainian School is a school that appeals to pupils. Here their opinions are considered, they are taught to think critically, not to be afraid to express personal opinion and be responsible citizens. The key change for pupils is about approaches to teaching and content of education, since the main task of NUS is to educate an innovator and citizen able to make responsible decisions and adhere to human rights.