SOERA is a seven-year project funded by USAID/UKaid aimed to enhance public sector governance and property management, including planning and advancing critical reforms of Ukraine’s State-owned enterprises (SOEs), improving management of state and municipal assets, sustaining a wartime economy, and ensuring a swift and transparent reconstruction at the war’s end.
SOERA works to strengthen public sector business operations and transparency, improve governance and oversight, advance privatization of selected SOEs, and develop a strategic management model for SOEs remaining in state ownership.
In addition, the SOERA assists the Government of Ukraine to maintain critical infrastructure and provide essential services.
SOERA’s tasks
- Support privatization: help the Ukrainian government to increase the number of SOEs managed by the private sector. This reduces subsidies, provides income to the State budget, and increases public benefits through market-oriented products and services.
- Improve governance: enhance the corporatization and corporate governance of critical state-owned infrastructure enterprises, including those in the energy sector.
- Facilitate reconstruction: plan and facilitate Ukraine's restoration and reconstruction efforts.
- Strengthen financial management: address public financial management needs and strengthen international funding controls within government agencies.
- Enhance local governance: improve the performance and governance of municipally owned enterprises and local administrations, focusing on critical infrastructure sectors.
- Support communications: assist the government in strategic communications to enhance reforms.
- Empower civil society: support civil society organizations in their communications and policy analysis efforts related to SOE support and reconstruction.
*The project is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (UKaid).
All of Ukraine except for temporarily occupied territories