20 September 2024
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  3. “Radnyk Starosty” Publication

“Radnyk Starosty” Publication


The “Radnyk Starosty” is an informational analytic publication for starostas and local self-government bodies.

Look for “Radnyk Starosty” in the Ukrposhta catalogue of Ukrainian publications from the second half of 2018 under index 60387.

Every issue of the publication contains:

Analysis of the relevant legislative changes, used by starostas while exercising their powers;

Practice of interaction and cooperation of starostas with the hromada;

Starosta’s role in the budget process;

Consultations on land, economic, civil, administrative, criminal, labour law;

Successful practices in starostas’ work from all over Ukraine.

Subscription is also available on the website www.ifactor.ua, as well as by phone – (057) 719-93-13

The “Radnyk Starosty” is a reliable assistant of starosta in the implementation of his/her activities.

The authors of the publications include lawyers, psychologists, accountants who have practical experience, as well as starostas themselves, who form the agenda in national politics and local self-government practices.

The “Radnyk Starosty” publication is supported by the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO).