Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is among leaders in rural healthcare reform implementation, - Hennadii Zubko

The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is among the leaders in implementing the reform of rural healthcare, initiated by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Construction of 18 new outpatient clinics in the rural areas has already begun. Four facilities will be put into operation in the oblast by the end of 2018, informed Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, during his visit to the outpatient clinic construction site in the village of Ivanivka in the Petrykivtsi Rayon of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

“Primary healthcare reform is extremely important today, as 33% of Ukraine’s population live in rural areas. In a year since the adoption of Law No. 2206 “On Increase of Accessibility and Quality of Healthcare in Rural Areas” by the Parliament, a very difficult preparatory work has been done, which is now turning into practice. A capable network of primary healthcare facilities is already formed, technical requirements for premises and equipment are developed, and construction of 513 new outpatient clinics is approved. All regions have already started implementation of their projects. Their key standards are energy efficiency, water supply, sewage and necessary technical infrastructure assurance. Our goal is high-quality medical service for every Ukrainian,” noted Hennadii Zubko.

The official said that out of 5,107 outpatient clinics in Ukraine, 3200 are located in rural areas. Of these, within the framework of the reform of primary healthcare, about 500-700 outpatient clinics will be equipped with the necessary medical equipment and transport.

It should be mentioned that a subvention for rural healthcare development in Ukraine amounts to UAH 5 billion. The funds are intended for the implementation of construction projects (new construction, reconstruction, overhaul, including the design documentation) of communal healthcare facilities in rural areas; purchase of medical equipment, development of telecommunication infrastructure, provision of office housing and service vehicles for healthcare workers.

513 projects for the construction of new outpatient clinics in the amount of UAH 2.9 billion has already been approved in Ukraine, among them:

  • outpatient clinic of monopractice (1-2 doctors), without housing – 155 facilities (UAH 649.9 million);
  • outpatient clinic of monopractice (1-2 doctors), with housing – 152 facilities (UAH 873.0 million);
  • outpatient clinic of group practice (3-4 doctors) – 188 facilities (UAH 1 033.4 million);
  • Primary Healthcare Centre (5-7 doctors) – 17 facilities (UAH 124.8 million).

The unallocated balance is UAH 2.1 billion.

The MinRegion’s Commission has also approved proposals for the purchase of 497 service cars for medical staff to work in new outpatient clinics.


22.10.2018 - 14:14 | Views: 11396
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is among leaders in rural healthcare reform implementation, - Hennadii Zubko

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H.Zubko healthcare


Дніпропетровська область


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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