Kirovohrad Oblast’s smallest AH created its own fire brigade

The Hannivska AH has created its own fire protection.

According to the Kirovohrad Local Government Development Centre, at the general meeting, residents raised the issue of a fire department establishment on their territory. In recent years, there have been a lot of fire cases, fields and crops, that affect the welfare of people, have suffered a lot, and most residents are involved in agriculture. In order to save the harvest, it was necessary to keep the watch around the clock, and it was difficult without a certain preparation to extinguish the fire.

It was decided to create a voluntary fire brigade. The village of Hryhorivka was chosen as a location, because it is convenient and fast to get to any part of the hromada from this settlement, and there was already a fire truck in the village. The village is located 40 km from Novoukrayinka, the nearest settlement, which has a fire station, therefore, the efficiency of fire extinguishing was much to be desired.

The fire brigade of the Hannivska AH is currently located in the rented premises, but it is planned to subsequently transfer the premises to the AH ownership. At present, the maintenance of the fire department costs UAH 30 thousand per month. There are four rescuers working in the unit 24 hours a day. Their main task is to localise the fire before the arrival of firefighters from Novoukrayinka.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

12.10.2018 - 10:05 | Views: 11437
Kirovohrad Oblast’s smallest AH created its own fire brigade


safety fire safety


Кіровоградська область


Ганнівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Ганнівська територіальна громада


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