ANNOUNCEMENT. Experts will tell about results of financial decentralisation in Ukraine

On 10 October, experts of the Swedish-Ukrainian Project “Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine” will present two reports on financial decentralisation in Ukraine:

1. Financial decentralisation and reform of local self-government's finances, reorganisation of the public sector in Ukraine in 2014-2017. The report is examining the progress, which Ukraine has made in meeting the goals set out in the Concept of Reforming Local Self-Governance and Territorial Organisation of Power in Ukraine by analysing the evolution of the country's system of internal interbudgetary financial relations since 2014.

2. Assessment of the decentralisation impact on transparency and efficiency of public expenditures. In the document, the authors attempted to compare the efficiency of using public funds by amalgamated hromadas, rayon state administrations and non-amalgamated hromadas, i.e. urban and rural settlements that have not become part of AHs.

Venue: 20, Velyka Zhytomyrska street (House of Decentralisation).

Time: 10 am 

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