Regions and hromadas will be involved in the implementation of the second stage of the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2020, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

The Government approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the second stage of the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2020.

On 12 September 2018 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the regulation No. 733 “Some issues of implementation in 2018-2020 of the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2020”, which, in particular, approved the Action Plan for 2018-2020 on the implementation of the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2020.

The regulation envisages a number of measures of central executive authorities, which have a direct impact on regional development, and measures of local importance aimed at development of certain administrative-territorial units.

Besides, with this decision, the Government approved the seven regional development programmes, developed by MinRegion:

  1. Innovative economy and investment,
  2. Rural development,
  3. Tourism development,
  4. Human potential development,
  5. All-Ukrainian solidarity,
  6. Development of depressed territories,
  7. Effective management of regional development.

(REVIEW the programmes)

Adoption of the action plan will allow to receive the next tranche of sectoral budget support within the framework of the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the European Union on the financing of the Sector Policy Support Programme - Support to Ukraine’s Regional Policy in the nearest future.

"The regions should already start their work on preparation of projects aimed at implementing regional development programmes. The aim of such projects should be to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian regions, develop regional and local economies on the basis of the effective use of their own potential and competitive advantages, and to create a favourable investment environment. We expect high-quality projects with innovative solutions,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

Experts from the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, all-Ukrainian associations of local self-government, ministries, other central executive authorities, oblast and Kyiv city state administrations were involved in the development of the action plan and regional development programmes.


21.09.2018 - 13:28 | Views: 18303
Regions and hromadas will be involved in the implementation of the second stage of the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2020, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

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V.Nehoda regional development


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