Success of self-organisation made by residents and legalisation of employment in Merefyanska hromada

Success of self-organisation made by residents and legalisation of employment in Merefyanska hromada

Veniamin Sitov, head of the Merefyanska urban amalgamated hromada, has told how to convince residents of all multi-apartment buildings to create an apartment building co-owners association, why it is necessary to have associations of buildings, how to withdraw the labor market from the shadow, and how to optimise taxes and increase revenues to the budget, in the Ukraine CRISIS Media Centre - DOBRE project called “Hromadas’ Speakers. 

In the Merefyanska urban hromada, the elections took place on 31 July 2016. It was one of the first hromadas in the Kharkiv Oblast. The AH has included seven settlements, where more than 25 thousand people are living.

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Мереф'янська територіальна громада


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