Call to participate in the project "E-Solutions for Hromadas"

NGO "Center for Innovative Development" ( with support of the Program "U-LEAD with Europe" ( announces the call for the AHs and cities of oblast significance  (Hromadas) to participation in the project "E-Solutions for Hromadas".

The goal of the Project - to improve the quality of management decisions, to increase the financial capacity and investment potential of Hromadas.

The main tasks of the Project

  • to increase awareness of the Hromadas regarding the adoption of management decisions on the basis of actual data and forecasts;
  • provide Hromadas with IT solutions for the registration of citizens, assets;
  • provide consulting and technical support for the use / improvement of IT solutions, demographic, economic, budget projections, real estate management, etc.

A detailed list of proposed services for Hromadas can be found in the  Application Form.

By the end of October 2018, the team of the experts from the CID and U-LEAD will select the participants from the candidates who filled in the Questionnaire, and they will be invited to the launch event in Kyiv.

According to the results of the Project, the participants will be able to:

  • increase revenues to local budgets, in particular from local assets;
  • to increase the rational use and planning of land resources;
  • improve the quality of management decisions, more rational choice of priorities, develop strategies;
  • to plan development projects more efficiently and to include funds from the State budget, donors;
  • to increase the success of communication with potential investors;
  • and to increase the level of trust in the Hromada between the public, business and local self-governance.

To participate in the competitive selection for the participation in the Project, please fill in the Application Form. Deadline: 30 September 2018 inclusive.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us by email

18.09.2018 - 16:24 | Views: 22624
Call to participate in the project "E-Solutions for Hromadas"




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