New life of most prosperous hromada in Vinnytsya Oblast

The hundreds of plates with the words “Ihor Havryliuk Street” are stacked in the office of first deputy head of the Tomashpilska AH in the Vinnytsya Oblast Vitali Hodny. They have just been delivered from the manufacturer and still smell of printing paint. Ihor Havryliuk, resident of Tomashpol, served as a lieutenant in the 30th motorized brigade and acted as the deputy company commander in charge for the human resources. He was drafted on August 1, 2014, a year and a half later he was killed during the retreat of the Ukrainian troops from Debaltseve. The decision to rename the main street of Tomashpol which for several decades had been named after Lenin was adopted almost simultaneously with the decision to establish the Tomashpilska AH that first local elections took place in the end of 2016. A lot has been done since that time, and now it’s time to change the street shields. But even without them the hromada residents are well aware that the Tomashpilska AH lives quite a different life after the amalgamation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click  HERE




article report


Вінницька область


Томашпільська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Томашпільська територіальна громада


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