Figures of local budgets are expected to be disclosed for public?

Reporting data about the revenues and expenses of local budgets which have direct budgetary relations with the state budget should be made open. This is a joint proposal of local self-government associations (UAROR, VASSR, AUC, AH Association) and projects and programs for international technical assistance made on behalf of the Council of Donors at the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

According to the MinRegion, the proposal implies that the Ministry of Finance and the State Treasury shall disclose information about the results of the local budgets on their official websites. These data shall refer to:

  • consolidated budgets of oblasts and rayons in line with the budget reporting forms set by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine;
  • budgets having direct relations with the state budget in line with the budget reporting forms set by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

03.09.2018 - 09:11 | Views: 12368
Figures of local budgets are expected to be disclosed for public?




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