17th Forum of Free Local Politicians’ Network on “Urban Planning and Development in Hromadas” to be held on 14-16 September in Odesa

The 17th Forum of Free Local Politicians’ Network on “Urban Planning and Development in Hromadas” will be held in Odesa on 14-16 September.

Organisers invite deputies and employees of local councils and administrations, hromadas’ leaders, representatives of NGOs and journalists.

Leading Ukrainian urban planning experts, together with their German colleagues, will work for three days. At the end of the Forum there will be a panel discussion with the joint participation of Ukrainian and German specialists.

Organisers: NGO “Centre for Civic Initiatives” with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Ukraine.

Terms: Participation in the Forum is FREE, including accommodation, meals, conference services, handouts, transfers within Odesa. Participants cover only the cost of tickets in two directions.

Note — registration has already started! Selection of participants for the 17th Forum of the Free Local Politicians’ Network is being held on a competitive basis.

To participate in the Forum, it is necessary to необхідно FILL IN THE QUESTIONNAIREhttps://goo.gl/7oCNkY until 24:00 on 26 August 2018. Please note that the registration form includes passing of the test, the result of which must be sent as a screenshot.

The number of participants is limited. Questionnaires sent after the deadline will not be considered.

The shortlisted members of the Forum will get a message with the event programme to the e-mail address, indicated in the questionnaire.

In case of any questions, please contact:

068 5812024 або 032 2318808 — Iryna Stakhura, event manager of the Centre for Civic Initiatives.

Or via е-mail: cehrin.event@gmail.com and Facebook.





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