European Parliament representatives to teach Prykarpattia residents to use resources

After amalgamation, hromadas received a significant land resource, in addition to the financial one, that will contribute to strong economic development.

What should they do with it next, and how to actually use it? Rural areas development within the framework of decentralisation was discussed in Ivano-Frankivsk. Representatives of hromadas of the Odesa and Ternopil Oblasts, as well as guests from Estonia, shared their experience with the Prykarpattia colleagues.

09.08.2018 - 17:03 | Views: 8544
European Parliament representatives to teach Prykarpattia residents to use resources





Івано-Франківська область Одеська область Тернопільська область


Матеївецька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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