The Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils issued a draft agenda of a seminar-meeting for local self-government representatives to be held on 11-14 September in Zatoka of the Odesa Oblast.
The topic is formed according to the analysis of the needs, expressed by the participants themselves.
Thus, questions will be raised regarding the regulatory and legal support of the work of local councils, primarily in terms of decentralisation, as well as the issues regarding the healthcare reform, education and regional development, etc. will be discussed.
High-level government officials, including the Prime Minister of Ukraine, professional experts and representatives of international organisations, are expected to speak at the event.
Besides, within the framework of the seminar-meeting, the debates on “Why should hromadas amalgamate?”, organised by the DESPRO project, will be held.
The format of the event is interactive. Seminar-meeting participants will be able to directly talk to speakers and share experience with their colleagues.
It should be noted that seminar-meeting in Zatoka has become the traditional event of the Association, which tunes a dialogue between local self-government representatives and state authorities. The interactive format allows solving practical issues and problems the local government representatives face while exercising their powers.
The agenda is available below.
Seminar-meeting will be held at the resort hotel “Ruta”. There is a special offer for the event participants. Only registered participants of the seminar-meeting may book accommodation in the abovementioned hotel on special offer terms. Phone numbers for booking: 067-486-64-16 and 098-951-53-74. For convenience, it is suggested to fill in the Check-in Form, which will be required at the Hotel.
All other reference information can be received by addressing the Association Secretariat at 044-484-05-64 or writing a message to
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